Friday, 4 March 2011

Review Caudalíe Vinoperfect Radiance serum

Caudalíe is one those French pharmacy brands, that is vividly praised over there... And I'm a sucker for these brands so I've already used some of their line, they carry skin care - body care - hair care... In skin care they offer a basic cleansing line and then depending on your skin tipe, different lines. The Vinoperfect range is their "radiance" range. The word "radiance" is like music to my ears... If there's something I want my skin to be, it is radiant and glowing and so on...

This satiny serum is a remarkable formula for smoother, brighter-looking skin. Vinoperfect boosts the complexion's radiance and appearance. Your skin is moisturized and luminous. Your complexion looks more uniformed and beautifully radiant.

How beautifull is this bottle? Now serious, it screams "vanity" with the thicker bottom and little grapes on it (which are the key stones to their ingredients, so they claim). It comes with a dropper and has a beige colour. The product itself is very light and similar to a lotion. It feels refreshing on the skin and it has such a nice sweet scent. For using you need a few drops, it spreads easily and sinks in quite fast. Afterwards my skin already feels a bit moist, it does however leave a bit of a sticky feeling. This dissapears when you put a cream on top of it though.

I've used this for a couple of months and enjoyed it. It works great on sensitive skin and never stings, even though there's perfume in it. I mainly used it in the morning and found it really refreshing. I've noticed that, while using this, I had to use less of my cream as it already works moisturizing on your skin. It didn't clogg my pores at all, it has a very light texture and gets absorbed quickly. A few of my pigmentation spots appeared to be lighter, but it's hard to tell. I didn't think my skin looked more radiant than before? This serum is available in pharmacy stores and/or online. It retails for around 40-45euros for 30ml.

The goods: sweet scent, moisturizing, refreshing, works on sensitive skin, sinks in fast

The bads: higher price, no proof of radiance, not sure whether it works on spots

Overall this is an OK product. I enjoyed using it, but I don't think I will repurchase it again. It has some good points, but in comparison to its achievements I find the price a bit too high. A serum -for me- needs to be something more than just a refreshing pre-moisturizing substance... But, this one by Caudalíe has such a gorgeous packaging... I love looking at it!


BeautyLoves said...

Het klinkt nochtans allemaal best goed!

Unknown said...

Zalig spul, ben net door mijn 2de flesje heen. Het werkt wel degelijk maar je moet de nachtcreme met glycolic acid erbij nemen of iets soortgelijk. Iets peelend voor 's nachts allesinds dus en goeie AHA zou ook gaan.
Alleen spijtig dat het wel een maand duurt eer je de volle resultaten ziet.

Steph1990 said...

I agree with you about the packaging - it's absolutely gorgeous! Sometimes I even buy things just for their packaging haha... I know I shouldn't because I never end up using them, but they're just so pretty!

Evelien said...

Ja, dat doet het inderdaad he perfectly :) en het ruikt hemels.

Phil: ahh, ik wist niet dat het in combinatie daarmee beter werkte. Momenteel gebruik ik de AHA van Paula's Choice maar ik mag er niet al teveel gebruik van maken, mn huid is erg gevoelig. Bedankt voor de tip, misschien koop ik het wel opnieuw om het dan in combinatie te gebruiken. Tja, doorgaans duurt het bij alle producten een maand eer je resultaat ziet, geduld is een mooie deugd. Trouwens, ik wou je blog volgen -heb m vlug gescand en btw ik shop ook zo graag in IU- maar er is nergens de mogelijkheid toe?

Steph: I can totally relate to you... I have the same with perfume bottles. And when it's almost empty, I tend to hold on to it and not use the last few remains :):) jusst to be able to look at it from time to time!

Steph1990 said...

@Evelien - haha! I literally laughed when I read your reply! I do the EXACT SAME! I have a stash of pretty perfume bottles I've never really used in one of my drawers along with bottles with literally a couple of sprays left in them! I also have some extremely old ones which smell nothing like they used to cos theyre so old now haha! Just can't bring myself to get rid of them because the bottles are so nice (i even have some disney princess ones from when i was young)
Im so glad im not the only one!

Evelien said...

Yes, it's good to know I'm not the only one who is so compulsive about packaging haha... Disney makes the cutest bottles indeed, I remember having a Barbie perfume but my mother threw the bottle away and I was really pissed about it :).

Unknown said...

Evelien: hoezo er is nergens de mogelijkheid toe?
Ik heb mijn blog gemaakt omdat mijn vrienden altijd zo nieuwsgierig zijn naar wat ik nu weer heb staan/gekocht heb. Ze willen het allemaal niet uittesten dus ik mag dat voor hun doen en dan de bevindingen delen hehe :D

Evelien said...

Ik ben net gaan kijken en nu staat het er wel in de sidebar, zodat je kunt klikken op "volgen", dan verschijnt een nieuwe blogpost in mn dashboard en kan ik er gemakkelijker naartoe ;) - dat bedoelde ik.

Haha, wel ik ben benieuwd naar je komende reviews en naar wat je allemaal hebt staan. Volgens mij heb je meer staan dan mij!

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