Friday, 29 June 2012

Skincare hauling

Since it's been a while of me posting a haul the upcoming hauls are a bit bigger than usual... This one is the pharmacie skin care haul over the last weeks, not too much if I say so myself!
To start I bought 2 new copies of my beloved Louis Widmer Deo spray, not too cheap at 9euros/piece but I'm a fan and they last a long time, do check my review. Plus I got a little freebie Remederm Body milk along with it. Next to it are 2 Bioderma lip balms, 2 for the price of one and since I love lipbalms... go figure! And another bonus was a Nuxe Body Gel, a large freebie from another brand I love! All products were purchased from Newpharma, a Dutch pharmacie website which regularly has nice offers!
And off course a skin care haul isn't complete without me buying a new copy of Bioderma Sensibio - forever my HG. Also a repurchase is the big bottle from La Roche-Posay Toleriane cleanser, great for sensitive skin, also HG material! And lastly, LRP Rosaliac UV Legere cream: a few weeks ago I reviewed the riche version of this cream (really liked it) and now with summer being here I could do with a lighter version, hope this one performs as well!

That's it for today, more hauls coming^^!!


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Belgian twenty-something year old blogger who adores all things beautywise and loves to share her knowledge... This blog reflects my thoughts on products I've personally used and random things that cross my mind. If you have a request for a review or want to ask me something etc..., you can contact me at
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